
Welcome to the community blog of DelSlam. Here you can read truthful writings on things that matter in our lives. Share your thoughts in the comments section.

Prig to Libertine

Prig to Libertine

By Umang Tyagi

Prig to Libertine, 
My ecstasy walks with a glass of wine,
Never mix your drinks

Never mix your drinks

By Arijit Roy

You know what happens

when you mix your drinks



By Vaishali Ranganathan

I bleed
To give form to those.



By Devika Todi

These silences have killed words on my tongue.

 I gulp down a bloodbath each time I'm left alone.

Dusk Falls, Yet Again

Dusk Falls, Yet Again

By Meghna Nair

The sun streaked

The dark tresses of the night.

Alone, but with yourself

Alone, but with yourself

By Anisha Suri

But Remember,

You are not alone.

Yes you know me

Yes you know me

By Rushil Agarwal 

I occupy space but

I am no matter.



By Pallavi Dandamudi

Do you know how I deal with pain? 
My pain, my sorrow, my joy, it's all mine.
Overcoming Loneliness

Overcoming Loneliness

By Himanshi "Nandi"

You scarred my soul

You inflicted pain

Another lonely day off!

Another lonely day off!

By Divya Priyadarshni

Broken sounds even small.
Pieces are more scattered ,
A Fish out of Water

A Fish out of Water

 Maithree Venkatesan
Sometimes, I feel like a goldfish. 
Watching the sun rays race through the illusioned glass,
Christmas is here, but you are not

Christmas is here, but you are not

By Saba Fatima

For all our social media pages,

to be shared

Reason to be lonely

Reason to be lonely

By Shalini Singh

If you are ever in a crowd

And feel tumbling down some obsolete rabbit hole

Love story of my nose

Love story of my nose

By Navashree Nandini

I am lying on my bed in a room that can occupy

almost 50 people at a time.

कहने को तो , तन्हा हु मैं...

कहने को तो , तन्हा हु मैं...

तरुन शर्मा 

कहने को तो, तन्हा हु मैं

पर अभी भी, इस दिल में

Strings of Wisdom

Strings of Wisdom

By Shikha Bhargava

Strings of wisdom

Breaking down her heart

अपना सा अकेलापन

अपना सा अकेलापन

अनमोल बिसोई (प्रेसियस)

शोर था , अवाज़ था 
एक ुनसुन्ना जस्बात भी था 



By Diksha Goel

 I left prints in the snow

But no one could follow me
Paces for Faces

Paces for Faces

By Rahul Sivarajan

I want to go on an endless walk
with the steady thoughts
A Lonely Soul

A Lonely Soul

By Roohi Bhargava

I am a soul,

Lonely and empty.



By Rubai Shinde

3 am
A dark room



रवि 'चांद' पूनियां

ना खुद से बात की,
ना लोगों को बताया ।
Hello! Darkness, my 'only' friend

Hello! Darkness, my 'only' friend

By Gunjan Nanda

The first ray lit me up
No it wasn't the sun, 


By Gayatri Kumari

No parents nobody nothing,
Locked in a dark room

Lone Wolf

Lone Wolf

By Talin Likha

Leather jacket and Chelsea boots

A lone wolf alone in the woods wallowing in the rusty spell

The Room

The Room

By Sreejon Nandy Mazumdar

I look around this little room I'm in,

Taking in all there is to see

Frosty Lover

Frosty Lover

By Shubhi

Has sun, forgotten to rise

Does river, no more know the flow

Forbidden Lover

Forbidden Lover

By Panya

We’ve had the finest red wine, 
sitting on my bathroom floor 
Thirteen Reasons Why Not

Thirteen Reasons Why Not

By Ankita Mishra

I know you don’t want them to hear you.

You think you’re not enough.

Why did you die?

Why did you die?

By Sonali Karhana
My Dad was a fighter,
who took an oath, for his nation, he'd die.