Never mix your drinks – Delhi Poetry Slam

Never mix your drinks

By Arijit Roy

I want to scream aloud

and vomit my heart.


You know what happens

when you mix your drinks

you feel dizzy-choked-nausiatic-on the verge of death

all in the same moment .

I too feel something similar

for many emotions have mixed up in my heart .


So when you search for the restroom

to clear your belly

I search for a silent corner

to clear my heart

one good scream to flush it all,  out .


Oh ! don't panic don't panic my friend

Be rest assured ! You will find the restroom

for you have directions towards it

but the trouble is that I

I am still searching for my silent corner .


  • My dear son well said but it is too late for us find rest room but its sure that you have to find your corner my advice pls keep yourself away from such things

    Bijit Chakraborty
  • Your words are so inspiring,we all have felt it, thank you for putting it beautifully

    Misk Khurana
  • @Saba Fatima – Thank you ! Yes, silence to eliminate negative influence is a must for all , broken hearts above all :)
    @Anisha Suri- Thank you so much for your encouragement and kind words, they give me joy :)
    @Gaurav Gupta- My friend, I completely agree with you, well said
    @Deepak- Yes, bhai !

    Arijit Roy
  • Bhai??

    Deepak yaduvanshi
  • One good scream to flush it all. I think we all need that! A suitable poem for every afflicted heart.

    Saba Fatima
  • Searching that silent corner is life!!!!

    Gaurav Gupta
  • That search for the silent corner! I could totally relate with it. Keep writing!

    Anisha Suri

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