Love story of my nose – Delhi Poetry Slam

Love story of my nose

By Navashree Nandini

I am lying on my bed in a room that can occupy

almost 50 people at a time. But,hey, I am alone.

To my right are my tablets. Thermometre lying near my waist

waiting patiently to break. On my left, is the red coloured bottle

of cough syrup that I never really drink. I lie here on my bed

sneezing, coughing, and wiping my nose off at

every 4 minutes, 25 seconds and 5 mini-seconds.

Yes! that is the exact time my nose takes to

generate the perennial source of water

it has suddenly acquired.I guess,it’s all about

that unrequited love. The unrequited love of my nose.


My nose fell for the fog that morning- so piously

that now it passes all day weeping for its love at

first sight. Oh! I hate that morning so much.

The morning I went for a walk on the streets of Delhi.

A winter sunday morning. It was cold, colder, may be the

coldest day of the year and I was out on the streets

to enjoy a walk.Because the previous day,my mother

whatsapped me a video in which the lady dressed

in white was preaching life lessons.Well, she did not

say to go for a walk on a winter morning in Delhi.

But she told that morning walks are a first step

to feel good.


Now, the idea of ‘feeling good” tempted me so much

that it was almost 10 degrees out there and I,

in my shorts and a jacket, wanted to “feel good.”

May be because,I have been lonely.

The desperation of feeling good was so ardent

that things just happened and

why wouldn’t they? Twenty days in a row,

Same bed, same room, same house.same kitchen,

same balcony, same vegetables,same routine-

Get up,Cut the veggies, cook, open the door- it’s the maid.

Study, eat, shut the door.Turn off the lights.

Check the door again.Sleep.The desperation was obvious.


I was happily breathing the fog and enjoying

the invisibility caused by it .At exact, six minutes

past twenty three,I reached the park and it was

freaking cold.I was shivering.It was here that

my nose realised it was nothing but love.

You burn but you decide to live with it.

I sat down on the bench and watched something flying

Holy fuck, was it loneliness?

With its giant wings waving freely in the air ,

Boldly and strongly,it sped towards me.

Story of Hercules came to my mind but my eyes

were transfixed to the mammoth flight.

Second by second it came near, nearer, nearest

Until I only saw the demarcations between its wings

It is pulling me into its arms now!

NO! I get up. Three deep breaths-

One Two Three.


To my right are my tablets. Thermometre lying near my waist

waiting patiently to break. On my left, is the red coloured bottle

of cough syrup that I never really drink. I lie here on my bed

sneezing, coughing, and wiping my nose off

every 4 minutes, 25 seconds and 5 mini-seconds. I lie here

on my bed and narrate the story of my nose

falling in love with the fog that morning.


  • Thank you @paroma di. Thanks Neha?

    Navashree Nandini
  • I like the title of the poem

    Neha Khanna
  • Nice lines…the visuals n the images in ur mind r clear in ur lines…n I love that 4mins 25sec line…seems as if the poet is herself experiencing it…!!!! Keep up the good work dear..

    Paroma Bhattacharjee
  • Thank You all. Will surely read the poems by you people. And this appreciation really means a lot. :) Looking forward to talk to you all.

    Navashree Nandini
  • It’s amazing how I could form a hypothetical image from the first line itself. It’s beautiful!
    You could also give an insight on what I have written, named – Hello! Darkness, my ‘only’ friend. Thank you. :)

    Gunjan Nanda
  • Wow! Great imagery! Keep it up! :)

    Read my work too btw. It’s titled “Lone Bird On The Barren Tree”.

    Andrew Kai Hangsing
  • Amazing images… captured reality with your realistic creativity. Good job!


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