The Room – Delhi Poetry Slam

The Room

By Sreejon Nandy Mazumdar

I look around this little room I'm in,

Taking in all there is to see.

From pictures of places to letters from friends,

This little room is home to me.

With pristine windows donning every wall,

The room was lit with hope and light.

And even during times of stormy nights,

The room was always calmly bright.

But as time passes, I see the lights dim.

I see the windows fog and stain,

Walls that loom high over my head,

A cracked ceiling welcomes the rain.

I sit there, on the floor of my little room,

With darkness being all I see.

With nowhere else to go, I sit and watch,

As everything fades around me.

I look around this little room I'm in,

Taking in all there is to see.

Nothing but darkness and hope that is lost,

My mind it is, which has trapped me.

1 comment

  • What a beautifully written poem. It stirs all kinds of dark emotions and conveys the struggle to escape the trap of the mind. Thank you for sharing.

    Advita Sagar

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