By Divya Priyadarshni
Broken sounds even small.
Pieces are more scattered ,
Away from Far and farthest.
"Shattered" A little better to close!
Everything is around,
Galaxies ! moon ! stars !
Everyone is moving,
Day ! evening ! night !
The freak is just within,
Oh the biggest fuck !
To inside from outside.
To mean from pretend.
To people from moron.
To live from pass.
This slap of lonliness,
Swinging approx hell.
Hence, 1 more day is off ;
86400 seconds of my life gone.
Leaving again the pale breezes,
Scattering more the shattered pieces.
The best thing I came through in days :)
Thankyou Sneha and Aish for reflecting your charisma as well. This means a lot!
Divya it’s so deep yar…… I loved it divs… Keep up the great work… God bless n love you more ?
You expressed your thoughts beautifully in your poem.
Keep writing :)