Breathe – Delhi Poetry Slam


By Rubai Shinde

3 am
A dark room
A darker mind
And spiralling thoughts
Back and forth
To a point
Where it all seems pointless
Breathe in, they'd say
A gasp, no air
Another gasp
Come what may
And the void inside
Breathe, breathe
A shot in the eye
A stream of tears below
The darkness hazes
Back and forth
Breathe, breathe
The sun rises
But you don't
Too much light
Too bright for your world
The thought of another day
Going through it all again
Breathe, breathe
Morning showers
Running cold water
Nothing in the distance
But eyes search
For a distant land
Away, away
Away from this
Breathe, breathe
The busy streets
People hurry by
So happy, so 'normal'
And you sigh
A ride in the metro
Open Instagram
Ones on a vacation
One at a club
Someone found love
Another broke it off
One dines at a restaurant
One travels with loved ones
So many smiles, so much glitter
It's too much!
Breathe! Breathe!
Reach office
Work till you forget
Fake a smile, small talk
And move on.
You know it
You're running out of time
Can't make up your mind
So many thoughts
How to put this in words ?
This void
What would it be like ?
To laugh, to breathe
To go out and talk
Talk till the void fills in
To be happy again
What would it be like
To live again!


  • Hey you are an amazing writer,keep it up and keep smiling,rocking and keep doing wonders in your life!!You have a great immense of writing poetry,and very well thinking skills!?☺

  • Hey you are an amazing writer,keep it up and keep smiling,rocking and keep doing wonders in your life!!You have a great immense of writing poetry,and very well thinking skills!!!!!!??☺

  • Nice rhythm to your poem. I like it.

  • Simply amazing.. Proud of u

    Aishwarya Tayade
  • Simply amazing??.. Proud of u?

    Aishwarya Tayade
  • Almost as relentless as a panic attack.
    The structure captures the theme so well.

    Appu Ajith
  • claustrophobia personified
    Well put!

  • Brilliant. Keep it up.

    Akshay V. Mali
  • Rubai, you simply make us proud. Keep writing…..

    Uttunga Gopal Shinde
  • Deftly captured emotions of most of us today. Simple but eloquent description. Do keep writing Rubai Shinde.

    Anonymous brain

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