Christmas is here, but you are not – Delhi Poetry Slam

Christmas is here, but you are not

By Saba Fatima

Snowflakes, Stars and Santa Caps
Are sparkling in front of my eyes,
Yet a silence is moving in this noise,
It has come in an odd disguise,
On this wide cold open terrace,
Along with the guests, now gathered,
Enjoying the delicious little cupcakes,
Sprinkled with the pieces of my heart, so tattered. 

Look there, Eva stands in her shimmering dress, 
Taking a selfie beside the decorated pine tree,
She approaches me now with her gleaming smile,
And takes another couple of photographs with me. 
Well, enough moments shall be captured tonight,
For all our social media pages, to be shared,
But what about the moments I miss and that I yearn for,
Moments not for lens but for life, to be cared. 

I hear the chatter and the blabber of people,
Still the sound of your whisper lingers in my mind,
I wonder where you might be right at this time,
Celebrating this eve, with people of what kind, 
I can see how this mutual agreement to party together,
Has not succeeded in erasing the excruciating pain,
Caused by our mutual consent on parting our ways.
How did it do any good then? What exactly did we gain?

And now a concerned couple comes and takes me to the carpeted dance floor, 
To groove with them on the songs blaring from the speaker,
Some have devoted themselves in devouring the steaming turkeys,
While I seem to be sinking into an oblivion, falling deeper,
Everything is in motion yet my world is so still,
I drink and gulp down my sorrow and make my wretched thoughts numb,
I would rather think nothing and take shot after shot,
And forget that all is here, merriment and celebrations and friends and cheer,
That everything is here but you are not,
Christmas is here, but you are not.


  • Thanks a lot @ Anisha. ?

    Saba Fatima
  • I could imagine it all in front of my eyes!! I personally love poems that tell a story. Keep writing!

    Anisha Suri

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