Alone, but with yourself – Delhi Poetry Slam

Alone, but with yourself

By Anisha Suri

No friend to console

No teacher to guide.

You are alone, left to fight.


No school to go

No one to support

You are alone in your own boat.


No praise, No charm

No one who understands.

You are alone, in your dreamland.


No tears, No laughter

No rules to follow.

You are alone, Life seems to be hollow.


No work, No talks

No concentration or coordination

You are alone, with the feeling of alienation.


No emotions, No feelings

No one seems to be near or dear

You are alone, fighting your fear


No curiosity, No pleasure

No agility, only dullness

You are alone, only silence and emptiness


No one, No body

Nowhere, No thing

You are alone, you cannot think


But Remember,

You are not alone.

You are always with yourself

It is not the time to run, hide or escape

but, time, to give yourself some time,

to realize your real self,

and look for hope.

 Rise and get back to life.



It is time to appreciate the light in you.

To realize it’s not only about you.

Connect the dots and move to a new boat

Set the anchor right,

row again with an even greater force.


You maybe are alone, but, with yourself.


  • Strikingly pleasant as always! The Retard Poet never fails to deliver.

    Mayukh Chowdhury
  • Great work Anisha.A perfect blend of intellect and smart mind .Keep up the good work

    Dr. Meha Joshi
  • Life is beautiful enjoyable for those who are brave decision maker mature and explore the world .Winter Birds flies from one corner of world to another to explorw new world in universe .Enjoy Beautiful poem

    Dr Jagmohan Taluja
  • Very beautiful poem

    Vinod narwal
  • Good one. Keep it up.

    Anupama Singh
  • A beautiful poem depicting the significance of self realization. Well done Anisha!

    Dr. Renu Kaul
  • Wonderful poetry… It is said that “Solitude at times is your best friend”.. May be it helps you to connect to your self.. And U have found ur best friend.. Yourself..

    R K Thapliyal
  • Anisha, bravo, a lovely poem full of well knitted and motivational thoughts leading to spirituality at such a tender age and while leading life in a materialistic western country.

    Santosh Lal
  • Beautiful lines. Well conveyed. A scientist with a literary bent of mind. What a combination…

    Dr. Archana singh
  • Loved the transition from all the negative feelings to the much brighter and promising ones. The poem is emancipating positivity. Great work!

    Saba Fatima
  • Great work Anisha.A perfect blend of intellect and smart mind .Keep up the good work

    Dr. Meha Joshi
  • Very good lines

  • Beautiful piece of work ! Congratulations :)

    Shivani Batra
  • I feel so motivated after reading your masterpieces . Congratulations anisha . ?

  • Good thought God bless you

    Geeta Gaba
  • Very well written and truly inspirational. Keep it up.

    Namita Dhingra
  • Very well written and truly inspirational poem. Keep it up .

    Namita Dhingra
  • Very well written and truly inspirational poem. Keep it up .

    Namita Dhingra
  • Read such poem after a long time. It is inspirational and encourage individual to to fight all odds with an internal strength. It is interesting to note enlightened thought at such a young age when others are sink with materialistic gain. I see it in line of ‘Ekla Chalo re’ and ‘man ke hare har hai, man ke jite jit’. Congratulate on brilliant piece of poetry. Keep it up!

    Satish Dubey
  • Beautiful poem! Inspired me to the core… All the best and congratulations!

    Nitya Khanna
  • Identify your strengths to achieve your goal. …Great message conveyed beautifully through poem. ..well done.

    Anita Suri
  • Very well written.poem……..loved the way positive message is conveyed…….keep up the spirit of writing ….wish you good luck for many more of such creative work

  • Very well written.poem……..loved the way positive message is conveyed…….keep up the spirit of writing ….wish you good luck for many more of such creative work

  • Very well written.poem……..loved the way positive message is conveyed…….keep up the spirit of writing ….wish you good luck for many more of such creative work

  • Very well written.poem……..loved the way positive message is conveyed…….keep up the spirit of writing ….wish you good luck for many more of such creative work

  • Rise and get back to life
    You are always with your self.
    Great understanding of life .
    No one can beat you. Keep it up.
    All the best

    Rk Shukla
  • Hello Anisha Congrats for the wonderful and inspirational poem

    sanjay Devnani
  • Wonderful poem! Realistic portrait

    A .K Pandey
  • Congratulations Dear Anisha and looking forward for more such good work!!

    Mukesh Shrivastava
  • Awesome. Great work.

    Prashant Thakur
  • Very nice

    Kshama kalra
  • Well done Anisha. Solid message with warm words. Congrats

    Ajay Wahi
  • Beautifully compiled. Self confidence is the key to success. Congratulations Dear Anisha !

    H C Taneja
  • A remarkable piece of work conveying the significance of self belief & inner strength. Best wishes…. PkSuri

    Dr Pradeep Kumar Suri

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