
Welcome to the community blog of DelSlam. Here you can read truthful writings on things that matter in our lives. Share your thoughts in the comments section.



By Tishya Agrawal


By Barsha Priyadarshini

With trembling legs and a shaking body.
The moment next I heard a sudden crash


By Rajan V Kokkuri

Dad’s eyes called me, he reached to me caught my hand,

He has things to tell, but words were missing.

Coffee or tea?

Coffee or tea?

By Meghna Muthukumar 

But it has to be strong,
with one but flat spoon of sugar

The night of contemplation

The night of contemplation

By Manasa Bsv

But the mind cannot fathom.
The repercussions are unknown.

Laugh and sad

Laugh and sad

By Lipok Meren Jamir

In the afternoon, we helped her pack her luggage.

And almost all the Naga cuisine-ingredients

What's in a name?

What's in a name?

By Neelima Chakraborty

I…I roll out the words one lisp at a time.

In faltering sounds, in fits and starts

is it?‬

is it?‬

By Ankita Singhania

‪when my nerves and sinew

‪have been dipped

A mother's choice.

A mother's choice.

By Anita Mary John

day after day, night after night
she ignored her cuts and bruises...

Invasion of The Prodigious Opal

Invasion of The Prodigious Opal

By Mingma Choekyi Zimba Tamang

Round fly-like objects glide a thousand feet in the roaring sky, and manic laughter fills the ears of the suffering few who remain.

fantasy (noun)

fantasy (noun)

By Anushka Nagarmath 

a place where lonely hearts go to remember. a place where lonely hearts go to forget

A Living on Mars!

A Living on Mars!


Neither too hot nor cold,
Resembling vacation on the island. 



By Neerja Deswal

Erased from memory
Like an unspoken, dark secret

No more crimson stains

No more crimson stains


Whispers as I leave the room,
About a life that is set to doom.

Reflections in the Water

Reflections in the Water

By Arsch Sharma

My fingertips felt alien against my eyes, especially at the corners just where the lashes meet the skin. 



By Rajeswari M C

Woke up to find one hexagram aside
Took my usual strides to the terrace

Dreams of inheritance

Dreams of inheritance

By Nupur Gupta

But words elude me, 
leaving me forever reeling… 

Brick House

Brick House

By Srishti Roshan

Somewhere else
A different world a different domain



By Nishi Nath

Adoption of neckdams and corselets
I dived into the ocean curls



By Nitya Bhatia 

when they greet my open eyes 
gazing at the infinite skies

The Moonlight Witch

The Moonlight Witch

By Angana Mondal

Like the whistling of flaky warm-water snakes
Searching for lost homes

The Marionette

The Marionette

By Vaibhavi Dhasmana

There is a little marionette that wears a dress and sits in a house in the garden, next to the porch.

when I woke up...

when I woke up...

By Nithya Mariam John 

there was a dream at the back of my head
when I met you.

Half Real Dream

Half Real Dream

By Bipasha Bhattacharyya

As the mounds of flesh cut her open
She thinks of the mound of flesh she pushed out eighteen years ago

A Home on Hills

A Home on Hills

By Gunjan Joshi

I dream of a home in hills,
Amidst steep, scary and lush heights...

It's all about her

It's all about her

By Andrea More

She didn't know it would take so long
All she knew was she had to stay strong

The Night of the Stars

The Night of the Stars

By Sherin Bidar

I asked the night
For a bottle of darkness

The Boy I Knew

The Boy I Knew

By Neha Singh

His eyes shimmer like a wavering light,
But there was something deep and intense;
I wonder what it must be?

The Clock is Ticking

The Clock is Ticking

By Shreya Shukla

The next day I woke up in the ER ,after wrestling desperately to move any part of my incapacitated body

I choose you !

I choose you !

By Kanika Choudhary

Mom's unconditional love,
Dad's bad jokes