By Neha Singh
The boy i knew was as limpid as water, filled with life and wanted to be cherished by love and affection;
His eyes shimmer like a wavering light,
But there was something deep and intense;
I wonder what it must be?
The innocency of a child was lost somewhere in his life;
A feeling of trepidation i felt from his voice;
The boy i knew was as limpid as water
He does not let me go, I think he likes my company;
We talked, laughed, played and babbled about ourselves;
The happiness in his face looked different, it was so genuine and authentic;
The boy I knew was as limpid as water
Suddenly a voice approached us;
Come here! Bawled an old man,
And the boy rushed with funk;
I was startled by this act;
I thought what is it that he feared;
That his face turned raw and voice faltered;
His body was numb, and eyes filled with dismay;
The boy I knew was as limpid as water
I went to see him and saw him sniveling;
I asked him what happened;
But he did not uttered a word;
The happiness in his face was forgone;
He looked departed, I knew something terrible has happened to him;
His eyes no longer shimmer like a wavering light;
The boy I knew was as limpid as water
He wanted to say something but he feared;
After the long silence he uttered a word questioning himself;
Don't I deserve happiness?he screamed;
I just sat there seeing him in agony;
I wanted to help him but i couldn't find ways;
The boy I knew was as limpid as water;
We sat there without exchanging words;
I was speechles, because i knew nothing would make him feel better it would only get worse;
But I wanted to see him happy;
The boy I knew was as limpid as water
He told me his heart aches;
A look of anguished crossed his face;
I soothed him that everything will be fine;
But it didn't bothered him;
Somewhere we both knew that nothings going to be fine;
The boy I knew was as limpid as water