Coffee or tea? – Delhi Poetry Slam

Coffee or tea?

Meghna Muthukumar

"Coffee or tea?"
She asked, right after the classic-
"Can I get you something?"
But I just blinked.
Uncle joined in with, "You have to try my wife's filter coffee! Best thing in the world!"
As his father said with an old man's laugh,
"Or why not a cup of tea,
will be perfect-eh for this weather!"
But I just blinked.
The question was simple,
but the answer wasn't.
You see, I really like coffee
But it has to be strong,
with one but flat spoon of sugar,
not more not less.
And never, never will I settle
for the instant powder!
With tea I'm a little less choosy.
But It has to smell right
And no, it cannot be weak.
Oh, and a dash of ginger hurt no one!
"God! Don't you know exactly what you want!"
Uncle said, sarcastically,
but perfectly in line with my thoughts.
I do, don't I?
But I still can't choose!


  • LOVED this meghu ka !!

  • I so can relate to this sweets. Love your style 👍

    Damayanthi RadhaKrishnan
  • Awesome Meghna. Simply superb!

    Sashi Muthuram
  • I am a tea-coffee person and I can drink both one after another. The only thing I can’t be or can’t do is to write as beautifully as this…♥️♥️♥️

    Lipokmeren Jamir
  • That just right about explains perfectly and simply the dilemma of choice … I feel it girl!!!!!

    Joyce Stellus

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