The Protagonist – Delhi Poetry Slam

The Protagonist

By Anupreeta Chatterjee

"In my eyes, lies the inner tranquil,
Where my dwarf identity submits
To a world that belongs to me.
In the search for love,
I often see vague predicaments
Where my heart dies a bit more
After the invisible succinctly disappears,
In the chaos of city life.

Where does the philosopher reside:
In mind or heart?
I claim she wanders around
To educate everyone
But there is no one to listen.

What does life mean to a protagonist?
A sundry art lived fully
beyond fanciful recognition.
I retire completely out of solace
While writing a chapter on the heart.
But there is no life left to love again.

It is the sundry expenses that put a bar
And we pay hefty charges as protagonists
To quietly disagree in a room
Full of people who are plentiful in remorse.

It almost feels like a victim
Who sheds tears while sitting alone on an invisible island
Where feelings for people reside
But people don't.
Look at the mirror now,
Salute the protagonist!

You are the creator who creates and decides.
No one can play well on your side.
You are the protagonist of your life,
No one can replace your inner wife.
Get married to her and stay by her side,
When things go wrong,
You can remain calm and decide.

You are the protagonist of your life,
Just play your part well
And reach the finishing line."

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