SOUNDPROOF – Delhi Poetry Slam


By-Aarush Deora


Oh solemn singer

How I hate a soundproof room

The words shiver

Stacked in a corner

They jump

They clatter

Then slump

And slither.


Hollowness thus beats

Against eardrums

They don't budge.


Oh solemn singer

How I hate a soundproof room

The terrifying silence

Pats me gently

The words in my head

Still make no sound.


The music

That doesn't hug your soul


Oh solemn singer

Your song grows ever so distant

The melody crumbles

The notes tremble

No barbaric overtones

Just a wisp of a memory


And now

It’s gone.



This poem has been published in the book 'The Last Flower Of Spring'. Buy the paperback copy on Amazon:

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