By-Sumira Grover
I stand alone at the edge
A barrier-
Invisible to you
However, all too visible to me
-separates us
You and me, me and you
While I can see you
See you laugh with your friends
Go to the movies with them
You probably don’t even know I exist
Don’t worry my friend, I don’t blame you
I won’t ever blame you
After all, it’s all my fault
My footsteps are quiet
My voice is unheard
I leave no imprint
My existence barely exists
I don’t feel my own presence
Then how can I ask you to notice me
No, that would be too unfair
A burden, I must say
For it is me
Who has built this wall
Between you and me
My insecurities, my worries, my fears weaved together carefully
With your own hands
Your sweet gentle hands without any calluses
Which can do no wrong
Yet, I must reiterate
It is not your fault.
How can it be?
Since you sleep a peaceful sleep
And dream a blissful dream
With my life clutched
In your soft hands
Gently choking me to death.
This poem has been published in the book 'The Last Flower Of Spring'. Buy the paperback copy on Amazon: