Welcome to my head

Mimangshak Jitu

There is a hidden blade
That I burned on a fainty flame
it wasn’t jewel studded or made of jade
but it did bear my name.
What I did with that blade is yet to know
The future here is for me to show
There’s one more thing I want to let you know
This is just the beginning, let’s move on with the show.
There is a barren island,
There is an empty hall,
There is a house that is made of glass,
And there is a bathroom stall.
I have been trapped in here
for a while, oh so long
Living here in the darkened solitude
Singing a swan’s song.
I look into my past
I’m a fallen warrior, betrothed
My past is what I detest
I often wish, it was just a ghost
There is a hidden blade
that I burned on a fainty flame
it wasn’t jewel studded or made of jade
but it did bear my name.
What I did with that blade is yet to know
The future here is for me to show
There’s one more thing I want to let you know
This is just the beginning, let’s move on with the show.
I am not like every neutrotypical
I have never had anything planned
I am just as much as a failure everyone thinks I am
every sentence starts with, “on the other hand-”
No one knows how it feels to be truly alone,
Alone in an island which is lost and unknown.
No one knows what true hoplessness feels like
That is what is a true terror strike.
But on the other hand
It is time for me to rise up into the daylight
Like a bird, It is time for me to take flight
It is time for me to get over my past

and see a beautiful sight.
So held my head up high
I let all my fears die
I stood up.
I’m ready to leave this dark place. Goodbye.
To leave this place I needed a tool
ages ago I kept it behind a hidden door,
It was all going to end very soon
at the count of 1,2,3 and 4.
There is a hidden blade
that I burned on a fainty flame
it wasn’t jewel studded or made of jade
but it did bear my name.
What I did with that blade is yet to know
The future here is for me to show
The show ends here,
this is it,
I take the blade and I slit my wrist.
There’s one more thing I want to let you know
This is again just the beginning, let’s move on with the show.
This is a thing I did, because i was already dead
but that is untrue, this is the truth instead,
I am still alive while I’m dead
and this poem is called, “welcome to my head.”

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