Who Am I? – Delhi Poetry Slam

Who Am I?

Geetika Saini

I soar in the wide blue yonder
Playing with the breeze
Frolicking with joy

Dressed in kaleidoscopic colors
Sometimes in fanciful costumes –a butterfly, a bird or a star

My heart’s as precious as a diamond
But I’m a twinkling little star in the firmament of His eye
Now that’s my gold medal!

All directions are open-east and west, north and south,
But I exercise freedom of choice
Eyes ever transfixed on the Polestar of my life
Keeping my north always aligned with His south

My mortal frame’s light
My skin’s transparent-can see right through
My spirit’s weightless as paper
My ego’s wafer-thin
I would but ascend to the heavens
But my Beloved holds the string

I climb higher and higher
With His every steady pull
He pulls and tugs at my heart’s strings
And I follow wherever He wishes
Yet ever safely anchored in His hands-capable and skilled
Holding on and never letting go

Tightly winds me when He wants me near
And lets me loose, enjoying my dreamy flight

Plays naughty numbers on me
From time to time
Pulling my pigtails
Saying that my trails are a teasing
(C’est un secret –I enjoy more!)

A sudden blast of breeze
Blows up my skirt
Leaving me a shamefaced, scurrying away
And Him in adolescent chuckles

Sending my heart’s a flutter with laughter
With His every gay antic

Thoughts run ahead of me
I can fly to any celestial realm
As high as my imagination
Because He’s the wind beneath my wings

Come, play
Join me in a dance across the sky
And fly away with me

See you in the sky!

"Imagination is the highest kite one can fly."- Lauren Bacall


  • Wow!! Magical flow, Loved it

  • An absolutely sensational poem, setting the soul free and seamless expression.

    Vishal Bheeroo
  • Love it! So well written 👌😍

  • My congratulation for publication of this superb poem.Loved it and the Images.

    ravi singh
  • My heartiest congratulation for the publication of this amazing poem.
    I loved your poem and the Images which is superb.

    ravi singh
  • Nice to soar high in the sky.


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