Until Tomorrow

Geetika Saini

Come dark
Time moves doubly slow
I fidget my watch
But the seconds go only click by click
On a wakeful guard
I pray for sleep to come quick
And protect me
From whom?
You ask
There is no one in the room

From myself
From revisiting platinum memories of love and loss
Inked on my very soul
An inseparable intricate and exquisite mix
Of simpler days
When everything was in the palm of my hands
Of complex truths
Bewildered at the twisted lines of fate

All-day long I carry an albatross around my neck
I never let it show
Oh! night
Be a darling
Come free me from its titanium grip

I wake up
With a stabbing pain in my chest
And I know
My dreams betrayeth me still

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  • This is so Wow!


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