The Ugly Duckling – Delhi Poetry Slam

The Ugly Duckling

When physics and gravity
Were just gibberish to my ears,
And Superman was a familiar,
Flying seemed a cool thing,
Four years old me ,old boxes,
We had great chemistry together,
Even a million boo-boos and owies
Couldn't dampen the young spirit
For I believed, I could fly.
11th birthday brought lots of gifts
But the awaited letter never came,
An ordinary broom, a broken arm
Made me believe, I could never fly.
19th birthday worked wonders,
And brought a revelation so happy,
Realized, I have always been flying,
For I have always been forgiving
To me forgiving came always easy
Broke the chain blocking the mind
Got my wings , became Supergirl
That was the story of me
Getting my superpower.
This poem won in Instagram Weekly Contest held by @delhipoetryslam on the theme 'My Superpower'


  • Perfectly written!

  • Love the 3rd/last stanza perfectly💙

  • Love this so much 🌼💙
    -Hemangini (@thehedonistwriter)

    Hemangini Mandaliya
  • Amazing


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