Switch – Delhi Poetry Slam


By Appu Ajith

I am quite lonely these days.
The qualifier lonely is unaffected
By the number of people,
I have around me.
But it’s rather a reflection,
Of how I feel inside-
Alone, finite, futile.

On odd occasions,
While channeling a cigarette,
I chance upon hazy, unrealized wisps of you.

It is unhealthy.

I smoke the Switch kind these days.
Where you burst this tiny sphere on the
Rib of the filter,
And cold mint speaks back to you.
Cold winds harrow the insides.
And I would’ve done it impulsively,
Out of motor memory.
Without really meaning to.
There are so many things I wish I could undo,
And I can’t even undo that.


  • You have moments of poignant imagery. I like how you combine abstraction with tangible images. It creates a very powerful effect in your writing.
    Would love to see more of this!

    “On odd occasions,
    While channeling a cigarette,
    I chance upon hazy, unrealized wisps of you.”

  • I loved the ending.

  • This is honest and dark!
    I loved it.

    Pallavi Dandamudi

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