By Pooja Elangbam
The first time was when they picked on the shy girl
in middle school for her stammer and called her names
The second time was when you wrote an article
in your school newspaper condemning caning of students,
And another time you got into a fight with an older boy
For pestering you even when you said no to being his girl.
By then you lost count of all the arguments you had ,
the friends you lost and outgrew along the way.
Something would erupt inside you
when jokes are told to humiliate,
when people don’t recognise their privilege,
when the world turns dark,
preys on the weak and the innocent.
And all these years later, you are still the same,
not used to the ways of the world
even though they mask it in the name
of tradition, of culture, of love and loyalty,
of this-is-how-it-has-been-done,
the silent abuses in homes, the grudges
that run deep within communities,
passed on like heirlooms from one generation
to another; how to break this chain?
To care enough about the world to want to change it,
To care enough that sometimes you can’t sleep at night
Disturbed by how little you can do, how long the fight.
But you would rather take the emotional toll
of anger running through your veins than
to become desensitised to the wrongs of the world.
Summon this rage, this will be your superpower
In a world that loses its way.
Amazing piece indeed:)