Multiple Sclerosis Chronicles

Alisha Ghosh

The daze that you are walking in
Is as real as your little fingers
And your little toes.
The hope that you are carrying
Will see you through the night,
Will walk you through the haze.
The haze that you see
Is your life,
But the haze will lift soon.
It’s not as bad you think it is,
It is blue, green, red and golden,
Maybe a few patches of white amidst a sea of grey.
But it really isn’t all that bad,
You see so much better seeing two,
You learn so much more being invisible.
But do you want to be invisible?
Do you want to see two?
I don’t think it’s all that bad,
I see more than many anyway.
Will you hold my hand?
I am walking through fire.
You don’t need to walk through fire with me,
You can just hold my hand and sing me a song.
You can keep whispering that the fire outside will die out,
But only if the fire in me comes to life.
I see flashes of my life,
I see flashes of light in the haze,
Moments as clear as air,
Sheer darkness soon after.
Why do I cry?
What am I afraid of?
Are you afraid of what will be?
Are you afraid of how home will be?
Do I worry about what it will be like?
Do I worry about what it won’t be like?
Why are you letting these moments pass you by?
Why are you letting life pass you by?
Do I not have more to do?
Do I not have more to see?
You have so much left to do.
You have so much left to give.
You have so much more to lose.
You have so much more to win.
Keep trying till you have nothing.
Keep trying till green turns to brown,
And brown turns to air.
When it turns to air, you will realize
That you have nothing left to achieve.
Conquer yourself,
Conquer the disease,
Find your own means,
Find your own cure.
Sure, they’ll be pumping chemicals in your body,
You’ll stick to your bed for a while.
People will fuss,
They might even think “She will make it, right?”.
But all you have to do
Is Breathe in and Breathe out.
All you have to do
Is Breathe it all out.


  • This is beautifully written and inspirational. You are very couregeous for opening up about your struggles and introspection. The writing shows the genius in you and you belief. Keep it up my child definitely you will win.

    Santa Sarkar
  • Beautiful, striking…

    Samrat Dey
  • That’s so beautiful Alisha.
    “All you have to do
    Is Breathe it all out.”

    Amit Pallath
  • Very well written, positive thoughts
    Be strong we are all there with you.

    Rupert Gomes
  • Bonnie my little sister…what a wonderful piece you have written…..I am there for you always….loads of love to you

    Molly didi
  • Wow, incredibly portrayed. The very essence of this poem is so beautiful and filled with positivity. Lot’s of love, courage and positivity to you.

    Sneha Chatterjee
  • It’s beautiful.
    It’s magnificent.
    It’s poignant.
    It’s soul-stirring.
    I’m proud of your stupendous courage.
    I’m proud of your intelligence.
    I’m proud you are you.
    The clouds will clear away.
    The mist will lift.
    Everything will be fine.

    Ashoke Ghosh
  • It’s beautiful.
    It’s magnificent.
    It’s poignant.
    It’s soul-stirring.
    I’m proud of your stupendous courage.
    I’m proud of your intelligence.
    I’m proud you are you.
    The clouds will clear away.
    The mist will lift.
    Everything will be fine.

    Ashoke Ghosh
  • Stunning, powerful words. Thank you for this, I hope to read more such beautiful work from you.

  • These lines have a life of their own. They live and breathe and feel real. God bless you

  • Excellent!! Very well written ….
    Keep it up!!
    Be positive ….

    Soma Ghosh
  • “You can just hold my hand and sing me a song.
    You can keep whispering that the fire outside will die out,
    But only if the fire in me comes to life”- Such powerful lines, shook me to the core. Alisha kudos to you. Keep writing and breath out the negativity.

  • You write so well Bonnie. And you shower so much positive vibes for so many who are in so much in need of the same. 😊

    Arijit Ghosh
  • Definitely we live so far we all live with it whether we like it or not…… hope more meaningful expression will come

  • This is written so beautifully. Be yourself always and keep it up!

    Sudhin Mitra
  • This is so beautiful and surreal! Keep being yourself and keep writing. Good luck!

    Anju Mitra
  • I will hold your hand and sing you a song! Just keep walking…
    Beautiful piece of writing….

    Manjari Ghosh
  • Truly expressive heart warming poem. Thank you for reiterating that it is absolutely okay to feel sad sometimes but there is always a reason to smile! And that the ray of hope always helps us to keep up for the fight. Good Luck and Best Wishes always !

    Satrajit Ghosh
  • I felt so happy to read the rendition about being positive even when things doesn’t appear to be so. Very expressive.

    Keka Sarkar
  • Wonderful!!
    I can relate each and every line with my life. So….meaningful.

    Rekha Adhikari
  • Wonderful!!
    I can relate each and every line with my life. So….meaningful.

    Rekha Adhikari
  • Excellent. !!! Your heart is speaking out…..
    Keep writing …not only for yourself but for many others for whom journey is difficult

    Sanchali lal
  • Excellent. !!! Your heart is speaking out…..
    Keep writing …not only for yourself but for many others for whom journey is difficult

    Sanchali lal
  • Very poignant!! Meaningful and reveals great courage!!

    Pamela Ghosh

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