I'm rare

By Ann Mary Alexander

I have pimples on my face,
Dark circles underneath my eyes,
Wild,thick eyebrows,
I'm dark skinned,short- haired,fat and plump,
I do not meet any beauty standards.
I need not be reminded day and night.
I know it all.'Cause I can see them all.
'So what?', I ask. 'Who defines beauty?'.
"Beauty lies in how i talk and think.
In my madness and craziness,
In my hesitation and confusions".
My imperfections make me perfect.
I realise I'm rare.Once in a lifetime kind of rare.
Its not my strengths,but my weaknesses,
Not my boldness,but my vulnerabilities 
Not my firm feet,but my shivering knees
Not my courage but my fear and insecurities 
That has moulded me to be myself.
If you see through me,you'll realise
I don't care if you are black or white or blue
If you are ready to say hello,i'll say it to you too.


  • The poem celebrates contradictions in our daily lives as Women! It also reminded me that ‘fun is sacred’ ! Thank you poet! :)

    Geethu Prasanth
  • This poem is so very relatable, makes me want to celebrate by imperfections, my flaws. <3

    Indrima Upadhyay
  • beautiful
    slam to all racist out there
    beauty lies within
    elegantly written

    shreyashi bansal
  • I love this poem… keep writing :-)

    Dhanashree Das
  • I loved the poem. Specially how it breaks stereotypes and burst out the simplicity. Be yourself even if they don’t like it.
    “I don’t care if you are black or white or blue
    If you are ready to say hello,i’ll say it to you too.”
    This line was love.

    Urvashi Shehra

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