Hostel Blanket – Delhi Poetry Slam

Hostel Blanket

By Ida

Long wintry night and his feet, 
Cracked, scathed and cold,
I rubbed it against mine,
Fast, long and heavy breath,
He knew what were we up to,
Small holes in our blanket and warm blowing out love,
As he moved his fingers through my bare, dark and dry neck,
I breath more faster than ever I would have,
Long wintry night and his feet against mine,
I moved around on bed and we watched our love pass alone,
Neither I saw his face nor did we know when we meet next,
In such silence of words, long wintry night, another love remained untold, another unnamed.


  • Hey it’s a really nice poem! You have a really nice sense of using metaphors!?
    Keep it up!? Your tell how your love got lost,in that you included your loneliness too!! AWESOME!!

  • Wow. I am bowled ever. Beautiful poem and I like your choice of words!

  • Deeply poignant. Indicative of the said and unsaid sentiments.

    Vandana Seth
  • Lovely indeed…. Gud one

  • Beautiful indeed. :)

    Neha Singh

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