Green is the colour

By Antri

The day I met you
I was awed by your lending hand.
Now here you are
To lend your hands to every stranger.
You made me look beautiful
Through my imperfections.
Now here you are
To safeguard the beauty of our country.
You had my back
In my troughs and crests.
Now here you are
To take a bullet for your comrades.
My heart beats fast
When I see you smile.
Now here you are
To smile through every pain.
As I see you adorn
The olive green uniform with love
My love for you
Expands beyond horizons.


  • Wow. Just wow.. I really loved it. It was written well, very good articulation of words. I could completely picture it all. Amazing job. Keep up the outstanding work.

    Sridharan C
  • Wonderful articulation of words ..
    could feel the colour and vibe .. All the best

  • Amazing use of words written tastefully. Lovely and fresh perspective attesting to the talent of the writer!!

  • Superb. A new dimension to the concept of love. Job well done!

    Ahel Choudhury

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