Goodbye – Delhi Poetry Slam


By Diksha Prashar

I was motivated to write
But, you always crushed the light.
I never asked but, now that
I’m moving on.
Will you tell me?
What pulled us apart?
Was it my caring attitude or
Your over protectiveness or
Your hate for my passion to surpass
Limit of your obsession.
You never answered.
What a shame?
You took the easy route again,
Walking away,
Leaving me to pick the pieces once again,
But this time around,
I’ll be moving on
With my passion of words,
Rhymes making the casserole which will define
The love that I felt
So, this is goodbye
For best



  • Well written with nice feelings. Keep up the good work Diksha.

    Rajan V Kokkuri
  • You are an amazing poet Diksha ♥ ☺
    I can feel the words :-)

  • OMG!! ur so amazing!! :0!!!!

    Krissi Dees
  • Beautiful!

  • No remorse, that is one thing. Beautiful 😊

  • This is really beutiful. You really are an amazing writer. I wish you all the best. And I hope we can read more of your what you write.

  • Beautiful lines.

    Vageshwari Nandini
  • Thats wonderfullll, gurllll you nailed it!


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