FANTASTICA – Delhi Poetry Slam


Niladri Chattopadhyay

It happened; it all just happened.
On a warm vernal day for few surreal hours,
I walked the church aisle with Kate’s hand in mine
And spent time together on the sun-glazed beach close to our vine;
It happened; it all just happened.

It happened; it all just happened.
Standing at the non-striker’s end and with eyes of disbelief I stared,
At the little master perfecting his strokes with grace
And I in my childlike delight, I held him in embrace;
It happened; it all just happened.

It happened; it all just happened.
I made it to the booming Bernabeu for just once,
And watched the bald magician conjuring dreams on the pitch
And in my unbridled euphoria, I kissed his feet without a hitch;
It happened; it all just happened.

It happened; it all just happened.
Once I explored the land of the Pharaohs and Sphinx by the Nile,
And witness’d with bemused vision, the immortal architecture, holding my breath
I did then bow down in reverence and offer my Lord a tribute of wreath;
It happened; it all just happened.

It happened; it all just happened.
I traversed on horseback the African soil deep into its core,
And rubbed my eyes in wonder to greet the Congo basin
Standing enamoured and speechless in a land where cleverness is a sin;
It happened; it all just happened.

It happened; it all just happened.
I reached the delta of river Ota and asked people about the Atomic scars,
And all they told me that nothing of that sort had ever happened there
It’s all fake a story chronicled on the pages of false history mere;
It happened; it all just happened.

It happened; it all just happened.
Once I got to know how my father is doing now in heaven,
And who is looking after him and listening to his unending prattles
How relieved I felt on seeing that he is no longer exposed to battles;
It happened; it all just happened.

It happened; it all just happened.
Once I met, Shahjahan the great, at some darker nook inside the Taj on some eerie night,
And I dared to ask him how intense his love was for the fine-looking queen
That he had crafted an edifice, that even an enemy won’t ever ruin;
It happened; it all just happened.

It happened; it all just happened.
On some moonlit night I return’d to my days of bird like ease,
And listened to the ‘dragon and fairy’ tales from my adoring granny weaving dreams of light
Away from all cares and worries I only snuggled close to her in utter delight;
It happened; it all just happened.

It happened; it all just happened.
I had a library built with a zillion books for youths to read,
Where all the young adults flocked in saying ‘No’ to drugs and drink
I felt, I could at least do something by turning their feet away from the brink;
It happened; it all just happened.

It happens; it all just happens.
And it always happens when with curiosity boundless you are a child at heart,
That’s why we need to rest our logic for a while and stop being too smart.
It happens; it really happens.


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  • Excellent sir!! Being one of your ex student, it fills me with pride to see you create such masterpice. You still are as good a storyteller as you used to be. keep up the good work!

    Santanu Das
  • Marvelous Sir👌👍🤩

    Rishika Nag & Abhas Nag
  • Sir, It is a wonderful poem👏👏👍👍

    Wasim Abir Islam
  • Sir the poem is just fabulous! Its just awsome 👍😃

    Soumili Mallick
  • Wow Sir it was really great and I read the whole poem. Thanks for writing such a beautiful poem.👏🏻👏🏻

  • Sir, it has been an enchanting treat to read your poems garlanded with such sophisticated yet beautiful words. The emotions seems to be flowing unabated like a rivulet in it’s catchment.

    Adway Paul
  • It’s beautiful sir!!!👍🏻👌🏻

    Deblina Ghosh
  • Sir… speechless….. it’s super Splendid

    Rajarshi Nath
  • Sir… speechless….. it’s super Splendid

    Rajarshi Nath
  • Sir it’s another beautiful and heartfelt poem. Honest and pure. Sir u are amazing person…..I am so luckyto have u sir as my teacher……it’s really amazing…. Thank you for sharing:)👌👌👌

    Hrisham Roy Chowdhury (choto Hrish)
  • Sir puro ta porlam. Mind blowing. ❤️❤️❤️

    Navanil 😎
  • Excellent and mine loving sir

    Subhomita som
  • It is fantastic and splendid sir
    Loved it very much

    Namrata Soor
  • It’s just excellent sir….. 👏👍👍👍👌👌

    Ananya Sen
  • It is fantastic and splendid sir
    Loved it very much

    Namrata Soor
  • Fantastica makes me believe in my dreams. It makes me believe that dreams too can come true. It makes me believe that dreams are not just short films that we see while we are asleep, they too can change the world around us. It, in short, makes me dream. Thank you, Sir for giving us such a wonderful treat and hope you would keep giving us many more…

    Debaudh Ghosh
  • Excellent sir❤❤❤😇😇

    Ashmita Ghosh
  • Wonderful sir

    Sayan Adhikary
  • It’s splendid sir..

    Swastika Biswas
  • It’s just wonderful sir👍👍

    Sameya Kundu
  • Excellent sir👍👍👍👍👌👌👌👌

    Dwaipayan Bhowmick

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