
Mehar Luthra


A hallowed golden light...

A warm, perverse view...sheened over with a patina of wonder and mismatched knowledge...

Thoughts born out of novelty...meaningless smiles, snatched pauses fraught with elation

A core...not hollow...but forever incomplete and bereft....

Urgency, need, desperation...all born out of unrequited...or simply worthless love...never turning into hatred...but turning cold

A figurine...tall...statuesque...heartbreakingly beautiful....but insubstantial, utterly wrong and devastatingly inhuman, stabbingly weak and shallow

A glass nest...shattering at the touch...but oh filled with untrue promises and betrayals...

An immaculate peace...waiting to be ripped into shreds at the slightest gust of reality and true cognition

An immense sea...filled with dodgy shallows...and petrifying depths of blackness...nothingness

Thrill...unbridled joy...pleasure beyond comprehension...only it was snuffed out before the ride really began...

Master of the game...crown of the world...only to find there was never  a game...never a world to conquer...

Meaning, depth, saturation...all rolled into a wonder...a wonderful black hole...

Peaking, ebbing....peaking, ebbing...and washed out.

Misery, ecstasy...misery, ecstasy.... and unbearable, healing numb.

Sweltering, glorious, blistering heat...and in the end...not blackness...but a dull, constant, monotonous grey.

A mistress...not sly or charming...but drab, common and resilient.

A means to an end...with the end never peeking up.

A hallowed golden light...snuffed out.



  • You are brilliant! Never lose your sheen..Keep it up Mehar.

  • Way to go!!!!


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