Dear diary – Delhi Poetry Slam

Dear diary

By Devika Mathur

Dear diary,

(This stays between us about him.)


Your body.

it spreads under my own body.

duplex spiral grapevine.


Cherries under your foot,

A lament to recite,

day and night.

count and tell me the times I sank for you,

in you,

above you.


My voices tore away like a sunburn.

love blooms love with such endearment

A landscape of Oval sunset all in your palms.

this sky lives like poetry in your belly.

Where i come and sleep, to absorb the moisture of cold nights.

I bloom, like a lotus, near a windowsill to worship you,


i see you like vintage telephones in my surreal mind.

Rings of vacant loneliness has eaten me, desiccated me.

so i bury myself in your atmosphere of springs and springs.

Sequences are memories. An atom dissolves.


And I dissolve in you.



  • Irresistibly beautiful ❤️

    Riya Dua
  • Beautiful.

  • This is penned so beautiful. Like flowing water 💙🌼

    Hemangini Mandaliya
  • This is so beautiful

    Kritika Choudhary

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