Poetry Therapy – Delhi Poetry Slam

Poetry Therapy


Delhi Poetry Slam runs guided poetry therapy for youth and teenagers who wish to explore writing as a means of improving wellbeing, gaining confidence and moving forward with life.

We provide a nurturing and supportive space to experience writing poetry and other fun, releasing and relaxing exercises to help participants stimulate their creativity and encourage self-awareness. 

Participants will also have the opportunity to read their poems to the group. Expressing yourself in a supportive setting can bring fresh insight to old ways of thinking or being. 

Writing and voicing your story in this way is therapeutic. Participants who enroll as members will embark on a path of self-discovery, finding meaning and direction in life.

Weekend Group

When: 12th December (Saturday) & 13th December (Sunday)

Timings: 4 PM to 8 PM

Where: Online Zoom Video Meeting

Programme Fees: Rs 10,000

The fees include weekend sessions and an electronic book publication with members' poetry.

Who can become a member?

Participants must be 15 years of age and above to join. No writing experience is required. 

Fill the form below

Become a member and take the first step to unleashing your true potential! 

 Applications are open for December 2020.