Authors – Delhi Poetry Slam


Love As We Know It is a poetry book about the deep and varied emotion of love, connecting to everything from romance and family & friends. The book explores the myriad ways that love shapes our lives. The poems touch upon ordinary situations of life, and how even in normalcy we are capable of experiencing the grandiosity of love. Explored from varying points of view, the poets don’t shy from addressing all facets of love – physical and mental.

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The Last Flower of Spring is a collection of poems tied together by the common theme of loneliness. Written by young poets from all over India, the book portrays the grief and self-judgement that corresponds to seclusion. The anthology is thoughtfully put together, each poem resonating an array of human emotions. You will find traces of vulnerability and moments of strength as you flip through the pages of the book. The enticing poetry will serve as a reminder of better times that follows after hardship; the power of overcoming pain and the continuing life in its full vitality.

 Visit the full list of our Authors by clicking here. 


Lost Memory is a poetry anthology on losing and finding yourself written by 54 rising poets from India and the world. The book is filled with poems that you can relate to and will plunge deep into the crevasses of your memory, bringing back a sense of familiarity. Living is hard- but you are not alone. These poems will unravel discoveries and realisations stemming from the poets’ own experience and observation of life.

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