Yellow and Blue – Delhi Poetry Slam

Yellow and Blue

By Kritika Gupta 


You gave me Yellow
First strike of cupid went amiss
But deep long talks did the trick
Was it right, was it wrong?
It was horribly perfecto like a Van Gogh
Were songs, food & hugs our thing?
Or people actually fall in love in a blink?
When my every wish was your command,
And you fulfilled all incessant demands.
Was I as precious and beautiful like Pleiades?
Or a full moon with high tides...
This mystery I could never decode,
And went ahead to write a sad ode..
But you gave me all your yellow
Smiles , stability & Sunshine,
All you had, to make me "mine"

But I loved Blue
Seas, wild horses , Superman or Batman,
With confusions , delusions core to every plan,
I went ahead without you.
Strength, stubborn & forward looking,
Unmoved that the pieces are falling.
Ran a Sprint of 100 miles,
Looked my reflection in the sea, screaming - 'Oh you Imbecile!
All your life you looked for the "one",
You got cold feet and look what you've done...
Mistreated his precious heart,
When all he did was tune your beats like a Mozart.
Run, Run, Run before that yellow,
Changes to pink, orange, red or mellow.
May be a green is where you both meet,
It's time this wild horse returns home to familiar streets' .

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