Wish I Could Die – Delhi Poetry Slam

Wish I Could Die

By Neeraja Jithendran

For long I tried to numb the pain
With tears that dried only in vain.
Longing for a life without sadness
I thought that’s the only way to happiness.

Those were the days of the past
But in me their remains still last.
I’m no longer shattered or broken
Yet, life seems to be frozen.

I wonder if I’ll ever feel alive
And not just thrive and survive.
The more my head goes around it
The more my insatiable thirst to quit.

And so I’m waiting for that friend
To give this life an end.
That day will be the day I fly
Without even batting an eye.

The day he comes for me
I know I’ll be the happiest I’ll ever be.
So before I leave, I’ll say,
“I’ve been waiting. Please lead the way.”

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