Whispers of Wind – Delhi Poetry Slam

Whispers of Wind

By Maeher Narang 


Whispers of wind
Flow around,
Whispers of wind
Call me like a hound.

As far as I go,
The cool breeze never let’s go.
Whispers of wind
Whisper in my ear: I know you are very dear

Tear in my eye fall apart,
Whispers of wind you are everyone’s heart.
Alas! You left humankind,
No one living shall be alive.

Whispers of wind,
The day you leave,
It will be the end,
And no one – no one will be able to live.


  • Keep feeling, keep writing. Soar high my little poet

  • Amazing!!! Keep it up

    Pallavi Bhatia
  • Wonderful words and true words! Can feel it. Super Maeher! Expecting many more!


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