Whispers of Warmth: Bertie’s Climate Quest – Delhi Poetry Slam

Whispers of Warmth: Bertie’s Climate Quest

By Farhan Chaudhary

In a bustling, hot city, where summers blaze,
Bertie the indie pup starts his curious gaze.
Listening to tales from friends so dear,
Leo and Oscar, their message is clear.

Leo the husky, with a coat so thick,
Laments the warmth, it makes him sick.“Twenty degrees hotter, it’s not a jest,
For a snow-loving breed, it’s a tough test.”

Oscar the retriever, golden and wise,
Speaks of gadgets, with heavy sighs.
These noisy home appliances , they worsen our fate,
Adding more heat, which we all hate.

A pact they form, under the scorching sun,
To shun the machines, every single one.
Noise and fear, from them we’ll steer,
In our loud barks at home, our protest, we make it clear.

Bertie walks home, his mind in a daze,
Wondering what’s next, in the climate’s maze.
Craving ice chips, in the sweltering heat,
Dreaming of a world, where cool is replete.

Leo and Oscar, with their solemn cry,
Paint a picture of a world, to dry.
Bertie, now home, thinks of the morrow,
Hoping for change, to ease the sorrow.

In a city where heat waves unfurl,
Bertie dreams of a cooler world.
With friends like Leo and Oscar by his side,
Together they hope, with eyes opened wide.

1 comment

  • So true and this quest of Bertie sums up the reality of climate

    Atif khan

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