What makes home for you, & for me? – Delhi Poetry Slam

What makes home for you, & for me?

By Sakshee Pawar

Is it the grand main entrance?
Or the name plate that signifies a young couple's dream of a life together saw the light of day.
The much modern ottoman that sits unsuitably besides the vintage settee
Or the torn corners of the couch that don't quite hide behind the covers; mischievous, loving reminders of the first family dog who now rests in heaven, peacefully.
Mauve painted walls
Or the stains that never came off
when the now 20-something year old was only two,
& got hold of the crayons.
The larger-than-life TV screen & the big old dining table
Or the memories sitting on the floor for meals when there used to be only cable.
The carefully tailored curtains on the French windows
or opening up the one in the bedroom & the front door
for some cross ventilation when power cuts take away the breeze that flows.
The tempered glass bookshelf
Or the books that house in there
Holding stories of yesterday, tomorrow,
Love, good health, & some sorrow
Where from time to time one gladly gets lost, only to be found.
Is it the coffee maker that remains unused,
When you wake up to the smell of lemongrass, ginger, & cardamom brewing in your momma's chai, which after all these years still gets you enthused.
The king size bed all for you, which was made for twos,
Or your childhood comforter, which after a long travel of sleeping in seven-star rooms,
still manages to give you a better snooze.
That one broken cup, from a perfect set of four
has a funny story behind it,
Fridge magnets, morning sticky note, & picture frames of humans
without whom life wouldn't be so lit.
The work desk that now stands still for zoom calls,
Not to forget how it holds the sweet nostalgia of the first love letters, secrets, tears, & manifestations.
Careful now, as one of those innocent dream falls.
Golden hour where your body is clocked to peep out the window,
Which has shown you the many magical colors of the sky.
The pink, the purple, the blue, & the yellow.

Your room, that holds a safe space between now & tomorrow,
When for work, you just don't want to show.

The nights in with your drama movies & greasy Chinese food, both of which you don't wish to share.
The mornings you wake up with immense gratitude surrounded by loved ones who care.

Sure, we have all heard how home is a person,
But until we find that special someone
It might as well be these memories in the walls that never beg your pardon.

A home that houses all that you are,
with room for all of you yet to be born.
The people, the feelings, the celebrations, the screenings,
In the time to come, may you & your home adorn.

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