We the Women – Delhi Poetry Slam

We the Women

By Vamaxi Maheshwari

To all those people in this world
Who talk of women empowerment,
I would like to ask
Why do women need empowerment.
Are we physically or emotional weak?
The concept of women empowerment,
Wriggled its way
Through a labyrinth
Of narrow mindedness and prejudice
Into the innocent minds.
As a child,
Born with a pure heart and clear mind,
We never understood the discrimination
Which we were gonna face.
We will be labelled as backward and weak,
We will be called dependent,
We will be considered inferior,
A creator fighting for its rights
Against its own creation.
Tags of lacking equality and power and voice;
Will remain with us forever.
Making us objects of empowerment.
Considered as objects to be objectified—
Scaling every aspect,
Measuring every dimension,
Dividing and classifying,
Into groups of pretty and ugly,
Classes of feminine and bold.
But do these people
Realise the meaning of feminine?
We are not a river- lean and feeble,
We are an ocean,
Vast by population,
Our strengths deeper than its depth,
Ripples of raised voices,
Against a striking stone of sexism.
It’s time,
To change the perspective of fairy tales.
It’s time,
To realise we ain’t the damsels in distress,
Who needs a prince for escape.
It’s time,
To be the legends who we actually are.
What truly needs to be done,
Is to change the mindset—
From striving for equality to being equal,
From raising our voices to raised voices,
From empowerment to empowered women.
We don’t need to be empowered.
We are born empowered.
We are the ones who empower the human race,
As it’s carriers.
Why do we need empowerment ?
Our differences make us more advanced,
We aren’t liabilities but assets.
Propagating the notion of women empowerment,
Portraying women as incapacitated, debilitated;
We germinate a seed of discrimination,
In the community.
To reap the harvest of equality,
We need to sow the seed of empowered women;
To feel equality rather than showing it.
We are born empowered .

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