Vintage Girl – Delhi Poetry Slam

Vintage Girl

By Astha Singh 


She is a Vintage Girl
Reviving in the modern world
Yes , she is a vintage girl.

Moon, Stars and Sunsets
Always kept her engaged,
She finds it difficult to fit in
With people of her age .
Everyone around her is garnet
Among them ,
Shining bright like a rare pearl
She is a Vintage girl.

Not Fascinated by club nights ,
Not Fascinated by all the things
Done by her peers .
Does not like partying all night
Smoking , drinking and saying cheers.

All she wanted is to keep her life
Extraordinary and simple
Because she is a vintage girl.

She is old fashioned
Not in the way she dresses
But her ethics and morals are .
90s girl living in this time ,
So many questions asked to her .
She is the way she is ,
There is nothing to define.

Believer of classic love and friendship,
With a heart full of unconditional love ,
She is a Vintage Girl .

--by Astha Singh(AS)

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