Unlimited mind – Delhi Poetry Slam

Unlimited mind

By Arya Salimon Sudhilal 


The day was sunny and it brightened up my soul,
The light filtered through the creases of my cloudy soul;
It is hard to feel negative when the sun god shines so,
I turned to my dad with sparkling eyes,
I watched the daylight reflecting off of his face.

I opened up my aspiration sack that I carried long,
I soon regretted my decision of unfurling my soul;
I said that the world was full with possibilities,
My dad said no! The world is gracious to a select few.

I said I wanted to make a difference in this world,
My dad said no! It is the work of a gifted few.
I looked at him one more time, at his medieval wrinkles;
I wondered why he was rooted so.

My impractical mind conjured up dreams undoubtedly,
I do not blame my dad for his retirement,
For years of toil taught him a different world,
Of groundedness and apprehension of the reality.

For my mind was unrestrained by fear of failure,
At least not at this age of thirty,
When I have failed in life a thousand times,
For my balderdash to be held back by limited beliefs.

For an introvert, I asserted with the force of sun,
Yes, I can! Wondering if my claim was unrealistic,
The one who do wonders are not born so,
Please do not subdue my soul with limitations.

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