Unconditional Love – Delhi Poetry Slam

Unconditional Love

By Anusha Kulshrestha 


Love is an expression of care,
Rare of the rarest take a step for this dare.
Love is an emotion of advertence,
It's when I look at you with a glance .
Love is the quality persisting in someone rational,
So that in it's true sense it could be unconditional.
Love never depends on any relation,
It can be seen when secrets are shared without hesitation.
Love is a casket of treasure,
Which is full of pleasure.
But sometimes loved ones could feel the pain,
Now as before they might not find the gain.
The feeling towards friends, parents and partners are tend to be love in it's different forms,
Which are never meant to be guided by any norms.
Your beautiful eye my dear..never lies,
Because the love existing in them never ever dies.
Unconditional love is the symbol for brave ,
It walks with you till the grave.

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