
By Khanak Sharma 


To take life as it comes
Or to create our own experiences

What is the truth? Who is the creator?

Is it all free will or we are all puppets dancing on destiny's tunes?

We gather, we fall apart, we chase, we run, we reach for the stars and then run for more

Without a pause, without a destination

Is there any destination to arrive at?
Or its all about the journey?

Walking, falling, learning, rising up again and continuing

Towards which way? Nobody knows

Some seeking to find answers
Some to keep flowing along the river of life

For the seekers its a mysterious world,
Trying to find meaning in everything and everyone

Sometimes awakening, the other times drowning in an endless sea of questions

Is there any reality to see or is it all just a game of perceptions?

Is there any right or wrong, or just one's worldly lens?

Who knows?

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