By Aarushi Singh
The world is a difficult place for a teen like me…
We are all just trying our own identity
Trying to find ourselves…
But how do I say out loud that I'm tired now…
I just want to sit down and relax somehow
Why do I feel the need to be accepted by the community?
Why cannot I be me?
My heart it calls out to the world it wants affection and love
But can't get any ….
I'm fighting and losing every second amongst many….
All this is too intimidating…
I feel scared to be out in the's too competitive lord
The not feeling enough, not feeling worth , not finding oneself, not living …..
My heart does not know these feelings and oh my brain it fears them…
I am trying
I really am..
And why? Because not trying feels like a felony
and, Yes everything is not just like a beautiful melody..
The wants, the needs ,the love ,the hate, the right, the wrong,… oh lord it's too difficult to understand
It hurts, it feels like everything is getting out of my hand..
The world is a much darker place for a teen like me… wondering what its like to be one of the world's
Not able to recognize oneself , not reacting the way we should….
Being compressed by internal fears and nobody to clean my tears…
The world it’s a difficult place for a teen like me…..
its lovelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Amazing simply beautiful 🙌💓