The Wall – Delhi Poetry Slam

The Wall

By Charumati Haran

"There's this wall at my house
And I've known it for so long
I've glanced, looked and stared at it
I've contemplated, meditated and philosophisized
I've laughed, cried and soliloquised
I've sprayed it with water and shown my artistic flair
But through thick and thin, it has always been there
Ever since I was a kid, I've known that wall
During the day it hangs out with the washing
And stands in the sunshine with the flowerpots
But at night it's bathed in moonlight
Over the years, I've seen it less and less
But I still remember that smiley face I drew on it
The face is hidden now, but it lingers in that air
It reminds me of who I used to be a long time ago
The kid I once was, was perfect
She was happy, free and true
She was simple, loving and had faith
She was as much for others as they were for her
No grades or gifts could light up her face the way the stars did
But as the years passed, she put on spectacles
Light now refracted before it reached her
and things no longer seemed the same
So today when she stands in front of that wall
Every day was a new lesson learnt, and each started a new journey
She's not the best and never will be
But I still want to keep moving on
Because no matter what I paint on that wall
The smiley face drawn by me
Will remind me of who I used to be."

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