By Sk Sahil Rahaman
A child torn apart, between two loves,
Asked to choose between father and mother,
Innocent and naive, not knowing yet,
That this decision would shape their future.
With diplomacy, they declare their love,
For both, unable to make a split.
But as they grow and the veil lifts,
One parent, they find themselves gravitating towards,
For me, that person is my mother,
Though the reasons remain unclear.
A sense of disconnection, from my father,
A rift that time could not repair.
Once we shared our dreams and passions,
With my father, conversations were rare.
My mother now acts as the intermediary,
For these exchanges, with so much care.
My father, a pillar of duty and support,
But still, a gap that I can't ignore.
He showed restraint, when my mother misplaced,
Her beloved, golden necklace.
But still, that gap remained,
Becoming wider with each passing day.
Despite his love, there is something missing,
An inexplicable void, that won't go away.
His anger and impulsiveness,
Intimidates me, his disputes with my mother,
Build walls that are hard to breach,
I long for a connection, like no other.
His complaints, even about her cooking,
Leave me frustrated, like a smother.
I yearn for him to listen,
Without judgment or imposition,
To understand and empathize,
With the feelings of the ones he loves.
Instead, he reminds us of his material support,
Ignoring the emotional ties that bind us.
My deepest desire, is for him to find peace,
To engage with my mother, calmly and with ease.
The sight of him, raising his hand in anger,
Brings me to tears, like a heavy boulder.
The fear and anxiety that grip me,
During their conflicts, made colder.
I remain silent, never dare to challenge,
His authority, for my love is not strong,
Not yet reached the depth, where I feel,
I can express all that I long.
With each passing day, I fear it's too late,
For our relationship to heal.
Despite my shortcomings, as a son,
My love for my father persists.
Though I've never shared my innermost thoughts,
Or made demands that he resisted.
I hold onto hope, that one day I'll find,
The courage to express, all that I feel inside.