The Unseen Light Within – Delhi Poetry Slam

The Unseen Light Within

By Yoishtaa Umriger

hey look down upon us,
with daggers of disappointment and disgrace shooting from their eyes,
wondering what's wrong with us,
saying we fake it,
saying we achieve nothing,
saying we don't need to live, 
saying we could be cured, 
saying we seek attention.
What do they know?

They see a wheelchair with wheels of steel,
but miss the dreams that soar on high.
They see the blindness guided by a cane,
but miss the vision that exceeds sight's domain.
They see the deafness communicated by sign,
but miss the deepest conversations in lines.
They see the broken speech with frustration,
They see the stutter with hesitation,
but miss the wisdom in articulation.
They see the prosthetic limb,
They see the cerebral palsy with unsteady steps,
but miss the determined stride through the miles we walk.
They see the autism,
but miss the unique perspective expressed.
They see the anxiety with tremors and pauses,
They see the depression with a heavy heart,
They see the chronic pain masked with a smile,
but miss the determined souls to live. 
They see the ADHD with restless energy,
but miss the brain's boundless creativity.
They see the dyslexia with words that twist and turn,
but miss the beauty in the mind's turns.
They see the diabetes managed with careful routine,
They see the PTSD with haunted eyes,
They see the OCD with compulsive rituals,
They see the bipolar with oscillating moods,
They see the Tourette’s with involuntary tics,
They see the dwarfism with a small frame,
but miss the strength of who walks through it.
They see the vitiligo with patchwork skin,
but miss the beauty deep within.
They see the bald alopecia,
but miss the bold crown.

The list goes on!

They see all the darkness,
but there's no support, no accessibility.
No ramps, no lifts, no accessible restrooms.
No accessible transportation, hotels, rooms or restaurants. 
No braille, no interpreter, no accessible devices, no time.
Most importantly no safe space, no understanding and no acceptance.
As I said, the list goes on!

Today's society consists of many who understand, accept and provide accessibility and many who don't.
Today's society has risen but yet has far to go.

They see all the darkness,
but light shines on the other side.
Step by step a mountain climbed,
Rising above one step at a time,
Through windy fields and stony roads,
A spirit soars towards unbound freedom.
With steadfast will,
We find a path to destiny.
Others see a barrier tall,
But a mind at work, an artist's eye,
With hands and hearts we break the wall,
And craft new wings to reach the sky. 
In colours bold and shadows deep,
Exists a spectrum wide of human grace.
In love's embrace we find our way,
In every beat our heart grows strong,
In moments bright we seize the world.
A whisper grows into a mighty roar,
Injustice faced with royal grace,
Through the halls of power the voices soar,
Till every soul has found its place. 
In broken whispers stories told,
Between misunderstandings and acceptance let's form a bridge,
A bridge of understanding, awareness, care and support,
Two hearts in harmony transcend,
Together rise beyond despair.


  • I loved how this poem spoke to me, ver well done!!!!

    Shazneen Master
  • A very nice poem about various different abilities which we should celebrate instead of condem. Nice work keep it up👍👍💕💕


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