The Past – Delhi Poetry Slam

The Past

By Joyce Jomon George  

The Past

I was in love, once.
With those that glittered with simplicity .
Well, those times are a dream now.
The quick outings with my best friend
Were inexpensive but exciting.
Walking down the hill, laughing out loud.
In the picturesque valley of colours.
Window shopping was a thing then.
Finding the cheapest form of a trend,
The feeling of pride after a smart bargain,
It was all that lifted our spirit to be happy.
Going to the grocery store,
In the pretext to run errands for mom
Was a lie she knew to buy my favourites.
A rush to the latest stationery store.
That feeling of amusing gain
When mom would let go the change!
Saving pennies to buy trinkets.
Collecting cookie boxes to decorate
And keep those little beauties.
Spending hours over the telephone
To discuss homework with my bestie
And a little about crushes and vamps!
Days when I was quite popular at school
Being loved by little ones at school.
When activities were my game!
And setting new trends was my forte.
It wasn’t easy to get my way at home
Sometimes a mission difficult to accomplish.
But it was different whatsoever
A world of difference slid through and exist,
Between an innocent past that’s a treasure
And the present that I wish to live with pleasure.

Joyce Jomon George


  • Nostalgic!

  • Congratulations 🎉 dear Joyce. Keep going 😀. Proud of you. God’s amazing blessings be upon you.


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