The Orchid Bloom – Delhi Poetry Slam

The Orchid Bloom

By Siddhesh Satam

I try to remove your shirt
Holding tightly onto your arm
As you cede into my hunger
Struggling to keep your shirt on

Now I have it torn halfway through
Gaze upon your sleeping breasts
A thin t-shirt between me and them
I sense the excitement has puffed both your crests

As I pull apart of what's remaining
And you timidly cover your breats
I raise both your hands in the air
You look away looking stressed

In a dimly lit room
Our windows closed to the sun
The reflections of our silhouettes
Crash together to be one

We shed every inch of politeness
Wrapping backs around with hands
Nails scratching through skin
Like finger being moved through sand

As I clutch on to your thighs
With the tempest of a grunt
I squeeze both of your buttocks
And take to lick your cunt

Around the closing act
You made the orchid bloom
Now that this beast is tamed
I've made your arms my tomb


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