The New Monsoon Stories – Delhi Poetry Slam

The New Monsoon Stories

By Twinkle Veena Dias

"The frog called out
to the heavens above
for the pouring of
a bountiful rain.

Hearing the frogs cry
the farmer was overjoyed
as his crops awaited
for a rainy water supply.

The umbrella- man
by the field side
sold raincoats and umbrellas
completely waterproof!

Everybody gaped
but no sound
of the pitter patter rain
the wait was all vain.

A consequence
of climate change
the frog and the farmer
dried out in pain.

Late monsoons
with storms and cyclones
away flew the umbrellas
in the gusty winds.

Uprooted trees
the roads were a mess
while the men in raincoats
cleared the paths.

Raised voices
Rained concerns
To save the frogs,
crops and farmers.

Protect the planet
Cause our lives
Are interconnected
The villagers comprehended.

Leaders took seriously
The green energy
everyone worked towards
The Daily deeds of sustainability.

Trees grown and oceans cleaned
Now a blessed abundant rain
as together they reigned
In reversing climate change.

-Twinkle Veena Dias"

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