The Nature of Time – Delhi Poetry Slam

The Nature of Time


Time flows from infinity to infinity,
With no beginning or end in sight,
Unlike men and women who live life,
From birth to death and then die.

Time waits for no one,
Time is like a woman in a hurry,
Running ahead like a crazed lady,
To meet her lover at journey’s end.

If wasted, time is like a lady scorned,
For time will never give you a second chance,
To catch up with what is lost,
Time that is gone is gone forever.

Time holds many secrets,
Both in the past and in the future,
We can only peep into either,
We know not what actually happened or what will in future.

Sometimes I wonder to myself,
Am I wrong in thinking that time is in motion?
Maybe she is just standing still,
And it is men and women who are on the run.

Men and women who are born from the womb,
Maybe travelling along a thread of time,
Deluding themselves all the while,
It is time that is moving and not them.

What we see in the span of a lifetime,
Maybe a small stretch of a screen that is time,
With drawings and stories written on it,
A screen that has neither a beginning nor an end.

Maybe we are moving along with our eyes on this screen,
Not realizing that what we are seeing maybe a dream,
Sometimes what we see is beautiful and pleasing,
Sometimes it is a nightmare that is horrendous and displeasing.

As I move from birth to death along this screen of wonder,
Looking at the pictures and stories painted on it,
I wish I could stop my journey for a bit,
So that I could understand the true nature of time.

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