The Mysteries of Life – Delhi Poetry Slam

The Mysteries of Life

By Usha Shree V

Birth and death,
Eternal dance of life,
Some lose and some win,
The mystery of life unknown!

Not every battle,
Is to be fought,
You can also dance in peace,
And win the war losing battle!

A night completes a day,
The cycle of new hopes of joy,
Every night rests,
With a new light of tomorrow!

Pain exists in happiness,
Life is nothing without it.
Happiness cannot be embraced,
Unless pain is ever tasted!

In the symphonic dance of life,
Every single victory,
Witnesses the pride,
By defeating the fear within!

Love lies in hate,
Hate dies in love.
Impossible to hate without loving,
And love is difficult where hate hails!

Live a life of dignity,
Never to die.
Dying for a life of serenity,
Is where the beauty lies!

Friend turns to enemy,
When enmity is disclosed,
Being a friend of an enemy,
Has never been justified for neither!

In every attachment,
You will always detach.
Only after you get attached,
The pain of detachment is felt!

The vibrancy of Yin and Yang,
Energies of the moon and the earth,
When life is full of blacks,
A soulful pinch of white awaits!

The mysteries of life,
No one has ever known.
The beauty in the ugliness,
And the ugliness hidden beneath the beauty!

None are good,
Neither are bad,
All dance selflessly,
To the mysterious rhythm of life!

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