THE MAN – Delhi Poetry Slam


By Jayati Priya  


The black footprints of dirt and grease impregnated my soul;
The thumping heart with beats of unconquered love left my body;
The unfathomable ocean’s mind entered the retina of my eyes;
And so I see the Man,
I am the Man.
The beams of scorching sunlight unravel the mystery of my dream;
The drops of morning rain open the window of my thought;
The pattern of clear sky widens the horizon of my existence;
And so I see the Man,
I am the Man.
I live, laugh and love;
I listen, learn and lie;
I dance, dream and die;
I believe in logic and reasons,
I also cannot control dreams and visions.
I am done, yet undone to be done;
My mind, body and soul are not aligned;
All are now yours and I am losing mine.
And so I see the Man,
I am the MAN.

1 comment

  • Jayati this is so touching. Your words seem like poetry in motion


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